Official Community Plans

An official community plan (OCP) is a guiding document with objectives and policies to assist in decision-making on planning and land use management matters. The North Coast Regional District (NCRD) has adopted OCPs for Electoral Areas A, C, D and E.

The Plan sets direction in areas such as preservation of the environment, economic development, land use planning, growth management, housing, infrastructure, transportation, energy and emissions management, open space planning, social and cultural aspects of our community, community facilities and services, and the agriculture system.

Current Official Community Plans:

Note: These documents are posted for the convenience of users and accurately reflects the status of the bylaw as of the specified date but must not be construed as the original bylaw and is not admissible in Court unless specifically certified by the CAO for the NCRD. Persons interested in the definitive wording of this bylaw and its amendments should view the original sealed bylaws at the NCRD.