

Zoning is a means of dividing land into areas designated for different land uses and densities including the dimensions, siting and size of buildings and structures. Zoning regulates the shape, dimensions and area including the establishment of minimum and maximum sizes of parcels of land that may be created by subdivision. Zoning bylaws may also define and manage floodplain areas. The North Coast Regional District Zoning bylaws are entitled “Graham Island Interim Zoning Bylaw 192, 1995” and “Sandspit-Moresby Island Interim Zoning Bylaw 186,189”.

The North Coast Regional District Zoning Bylaws are comprised of 3 components:
•    Maps of the zoned area which show the zoning designations of land;
•    Textual Regulations of each zoning designation; and
•    Floodplain Management Provisions

Current Zoning Bylaws

Zoning Bylaws may be amended from time to time to reflect site-specific applications approved by the Board of Directors, to reflect changes in provincial legislation; or to reflect the changing needs of the community in general. Zoning bylaw amendments cannot be adopted if they are not compliant with the objectives and policies of the associated Official Community Plan.

Zoning information on this page are consolidated for convenience, and may be updated from time to time. Certified copies of the bylaws are available from the Corporate Officer upon request, and copies of all NCRD zoning bylaws (as adopted) can be found here. The NCRD encourages property owners to reach out to the NCRD’s Planning department to have property inquiries performed in writing prior to developing their property, to ensure that their property information is accurate and up-to-date.

Moresby Island Zoning Bylaw 186 (Consolidated for convenience only)
•    Moresby Island Zoning Map  (soon to be available on PropertyMap.ca)
•    Moresby Island Zoning Regulations  
•    Floodplain Management Provisions 

Graham Island Zoning Bylaw 192 (Consolidated for convenience only)
•    Graham Island Zoning Map  (Soon to be available on PropertyMap.ca)
•    Graham Island Zoning Regulations  
•    Graham Island Floodplain Management Provisions