Fire Protection

In the North Coast Regional District (NCRD), member municipalities, along with registered societies, provide fire protection services to residents within prescribed areas of our region.

Sandspit Volunteer Fire Department

A registered non-profit society, the Sandspit Volunteer Fire Department serves the community on North Moresby, Haida Gwaii.


Robert Ells, Fire Chief
Non-Emergency Tel: (250) 637-1244
Emergency Tel: (250) 637-2222

For more information or to volunteer:


Tlell Volunteer Fire Assocition

A registered non-profit society, the Tlell Volunteer Fire Association serves the community of Tlell, Haida Gwaii.


Mike Richardson, Fire Chief

Non-Emergency Tel: (250) 557-8585

For more information or to Volunteer:


FireSmart Home Partners Program

FireSmart Home Partners is a voluntary property assessment program that helps residents identify specific actions and upgrades they can take on their property to reduce wildfire risks. This program is offered in Electoral Areas D and E, with funding provided by the Union of BC Municipalities’ Community Resiliency Investment Fund. For FireSmart guides to help make your property more resilient, please click here

The program’s primary purpose is to engage homeowners in voluntary wildfire mitigation activities by offering a professional home assessment with property-specific recommendations. This approach provides them with a comprehensive FireSmart road map for their property. Once a homeowner has received this road map and performed recommended mitigation work on their property, they can receive a rebate of 50%, up to $500— making wildfire resilience a more affordable investment.

Conducted by formally trained and qualified fire service professionals, the assessment accurately evaluates a home and property for wildfire exposure, while engaging the homeowner in their unique risk and ways to reduce it. To register for a Home Partners Assessment on rural Graham Island or Moresby Island, please click here.

Community Wildfire Protection Plan