NCRD Active Transportation Network Plan for Electoral Area D - Survey
The North Coast Regional District (NCRD) is developing an Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP) for Electoral Area D (Rural Graham Island), to make walking, rolling, and cycling trips more convenient, safe, and comfortable for people of all ages and abilities.
This Plan will work to prioritize the development of a comprehensive pedestrian and cycling network throughout the area. The implementation of a network will enable more residents and visitors to choose active, safe, and sustainable travel options for more trips.
The NCRD is engaging with key local organizations, government agencies, and the broader community to identify and prioritize strategies and infrastructure projects to improve the active transportation network over the next 20 years
To ensure that the Active Transportation Plan for Area D accurately reflects the views of the community, we invite all residents and community members to complete our survey here by October 14, 2024.
For more information, please contact Chantal Wentland, Planning/Economic Development Officer at 250 624 2002 (ext. 6) or
Related Links:
- What is Active Transportation?