Housing Needs Assessment Reports
On April 16, 2019, Bill 18-2018 amended the Local Government Act to require municipalities and regional districts in B.C. to complete Housing Needs Assessments (HNA) by April 2022 and every five years thereafter. These reports will help local governments and the B.C. government better understand and respond to housing needs in communities throughout B.C. In April 2022, the Board of the North Coast Regional District (NCRD) received the HNR's in accordance with the Local Government Act.
In the fall of 2023, amendments were made to the Local Government Act, including changes to the timing and requirements for Housing Needs Reports (HNR) by January 1, 2025. Bill 44 Housing Statues (Residential Development) Amendment Act requires all local governments to update their housing needs reports using a standardized methodology over a 20-year time horizon. Regional Districts are now required to prepare interim HNR's by January 1, 2025. The Board of the NCRD received the interim HNR's in December 2023 in accordance with the Local Government Act. The first HNA's are required to be completed by December 31, 2028, and every five years thereafter.
2024 Interim Housing Needs Reports
In 2023, the North Coast Regional District (NCRD) selected Urban Systems Ltd. to assist with interim HNR's for its Electoral Areas within the NCRD.
The 2024 Interim HNR's are now available for the following areas:
- Electoral Area A (including Dodge Cove);
- Electoral Area C (including Oona River);
- Electroral Area D (Including Tlell, Tow Hill, Lawn Hill and Miller Creek); and
- Electoral Area E (Sandspit).
The 2024 Interim HNR's provide an update of key housing and demographic indicators and an assessment over averall needs within each Electoral Area over the next 20 years. The reports include demographic trends, housing profile, community projections, and key areas of local need for each Electoral Area.
2022 Housing Needs Reports
In 2022, the NCRD selected Calibrate Group to assist with the Housing Needs Assessment (HNA) for its Electoral Areas within the NCRD.
The 2022 Housing Needs Reports are now available for the following areas:
- Electoral Area A (including Dodge Cove);
- Electoral Area C (including Oona River);
- Electoral Area D (including Tlell, Tow Hill, Lawn Hill and Miller Creek);
- Electoral Area E (Sandspit); and
- North Coast Regional District Housing Needs Summary.
The NCRD and Calibrate Group compiled these reports using research from publicly available data sources such as Census data, BC Stats, and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. We also gathered extensive feedback through:
- Community Consultation: our consultant met with key stakeholder groups, including First Nations, seniors’ organizations, residents’ associations, industry leaders, and real estate professionals;
- Public Engagement: our consultant held a series of public meetings, hosted in all four Electoral Areas, to gather feedback from the public on the unique housing challenges faced in the North Coast; and
- Survey: a survey was published for members of the public to share their feedback on housing.
Provided above is a regional housing needs summary report which takes into consideration the housing needs reports completed for the NCRD electoral areas, as well as housing needs assessments and strategies completed by NCRD member municipalities.
The housing needs reports provide valuable housing and demographic information throughout the region and are intended to be used by the NCRD as a planning document to assist the Board in decision-making around housing issue. The reports also contain recommendations for consideration to address identified housing issues throughout the region.